Most of the world’s large corporations have already made the transition to mobile, but many organizations and small-to-medium size businesses are still waiting and weighing their options. Some of them are hesitant to invest in a mobile strategy because developing mobile technology can be expensive. Others simply aren’t sure what a mobile strategy looks like or why it’s important. If you’re one of these business owners or organization heads that are still on the fence, here are five solid reasons why you should jump on the mobile wagon today.
There are now more mobile phones in the world than there are people. Every report will tell you the same thing - more customers use mobile than any other device. A recent Google report indicates that the number of mobile users is increasing exponentially while desktop users is likewise decreasing. It’s a fact!
You could still have a competitive advantage by switching to mobile!There are still many organizations and businesses that have not strategized for mobile yet. If you need a competitive edge… going mobile will razor edge you above the competition.
Your audience carries a phone with them all day.People carry their phones with them everywhere. By adopting a mobile strategy you will double, if not triple, the time you have to connect with them.
Relinquish ONE more engagement barrier.By not going mobile, you’re allowing a huge communication and engagement barrier to exist between you and your audience. Imagine the impact it could make to your organization’s engagement by leveraging this huge opportunity.
Money.Mobile payments are trending. It’s become easier for consumers to access products and pay for services via their mobile devices. What is more convenient for your audience, is better for your business.