There's some hand-wringing going on over on LinkedIn. It seems the "Camelot" of business communities is going through some growing pains. They're not immune to the messiness of "work life" and "personal life" mixing things up.
In June of this year, Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs put out a new report that shows telecommuting workers increased by 115%. That’s about 3.9 million people working from home or almost 3% of the total U.S. workforce, working from home at least half the time in 2015, an increase from 1.8 million in 2005.
What does this have to do with LinkedIn and the engagement rules changing? More than you realize. Click through for a quick primer on how the blurring of the two worlds isn't necessarily a bad thing, and why it may signal an opportunity for deeper and more meaningful "virtual workplace" connections that make business better, not worse.