IHUBApp Blog

The Science of Inspiration!

Written by Karolyn Hart | 21 January, 2015

Understanding Inspiration

Inspiration is something that all humans inherently experience and so we think it is an emotion we understand, yet it is complex. When we began InspireHUB we started by researching inspiration. Ironically, studying inspiration proved to be a methodical and dare we say, "un" inspirational process BUT what we learned was inspiring indeed! We researched: 

Inspiration is complex because of how it occurs. 


  • is evoked and has a trigger that engages the person.

  • elevates or transcends the normal confines of human agency. In simple terms, it's bigger than us.

  • is about motivation and the energization and direction of behavior.

This is the foundation of InspireHUB!  

We provide solutions for worthy causes and thus far the journey has been extremely inspiring. Our mission is to "use technology to make an inspired world of difference" so here are some quick tips that we learned in our research that we thought you might find interesting:

  • Motivation over manipulation works.  If you want someone to do something virtuous (like support your worthy cause) show your team in action and use positive emotion. Read study.

  • Get inspired! You cannot pour into the lives of others if your own cup is empty.  It ends up a daily dose of inspiration is actually good for your health! We created DAYspiration (coming soon) to help you do just that! Read study.

Understanding Inspiration
Inspiration is something that all humans inherently experience and so we think it is an emotion we understand, yet it is complex. When we began InspireHUB we started by researching inspiration. Ironically, studying inspiration proved to be a methodical and dare we say, "un" inspirational process BUT what we learned was inspiring indeed! We researched: