Attracting students to your school is a competitive challenge and research has shown that a school's student life experience is a powerful part of the overall educational experience.  Now more than ever, your students can benefit from being able to connect with other students in a safe and secure environment.  The IHUBApp Digital Experience Platform allows your school the ability to build a custom solution that helps to capture your school's unique community and spirit.  Here's how: 


Secure Student Communities
Our secure community-building tools provide your students with a powerful digital community experience that your school fully owns and manages.


Engagement You'll Love
Engage in features like digital bulletin boards, event sales (virtual), private club channels, and student volunteer participation.


Any Device. Anywhere.
The IHUBApp uses the latest in PWA Technology, providing you with lightning-fast engagement! 


Alumni Engagement
Now more than ever your Alumni can play a critical role in helping to maintain and strengthen connections to your school.