August 13, 2021

Press Release, Encore Media Group Launches Digital Theatre Program Product Encore+ Powered by InspireHUB [1200x675]

Encore Media Group Launches Digital Theatre Program Product Encore+ Powered by InspireHUB

Aug 13, 2021 5:21:01 PM / by Sierra Scott

DALLAS TX/SEATTLE, WA August 11, 2021 - Encore Media Group, a leading publisher for theatre programs in  Greater Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area has launched Encore+, a digital theatre program that ensures an  authentic performing arts experience with a safe and contactless alternative. Built using the award-winning  IHUBApp® Digital Experience Platform from InspireHUB, the Encore+ product is a mobile-first, progressive web app  that allows venues and performing arts groups to take the in-theatre program experience to a whole new, modern level. 

“Like many publishers, the global health crisis required us to rethink how we would inform and engage audiences,”  explains Paul Heppner, President of Encore Media Group. “Encore has a 50-year history of serving performing arts  and one of the reasons we have such longevity has been our willingness to embrace technology to meet the needs of  our customers. Encore+ is another example of our team leading the way on creating innovative solutions for the  needs of today.” 

Encore+ will be available in more than 15 performing arts and concert venues across the Seattle and SF Bay Area  markets including The Paramount, The War Memorial and McCaw Hall and will provide patrons with an easy, safe, and contactless program on their mobile devices. 

“Being able to provide a paper-free alternative alongside our traditional print programs was critical,” explains Kajsa  Puckett, VP Sales and Marketing of Encore Media Group. “During COVID we saw several options for digital theatres  emerge, but we found them limited in their capabilities. We wanted something more user friendly than just an  enhanced PDF posted online. The IHUBApp platform provided us with the functional pieces necessary to build the  solution we envisioned. What we love about Encore+ is that it allows us to bring a flexible option to our clients that  can be optimized to showcase their brand, content, images along with other items that are important to performing  arts audiences. The Encore+ mobile-first design includes all of the traditional program pieces such as show info, cast,  and donors but also offers arts organizations to integrate video, social media and a one-click connect to the audience.  It aligned well to our mission of connecting arts, culture and community.” 

The Encore+ product is a part of a growing ecosystem of industry solutions being built on InspireHUB’s platform in  the US, Canada, and Australia. 

“We are always excited to see the different industry solutions that are being built on our platform,” explains Karolyn  Hart, Founder, and President of InspireHUB. “We are proud to collaborate with Encore Media Group and to be a part  of helping them launch their Encore+ into the marketplace.”  

More information about Encore+ can be found at: 

About Encore Media Group - Encore Media Group is a leading performing arts publisher in the Greater Seattle and  Bay Area with over 50 years of experience in helping clients achieve their communication and marketing objectives  by connecting the arts, business, and community through distinctive publishing, digital media, and advertising sales.  Encore Media Group can be found on the web at 

About InspireHUB Inc. - InspireHUB is the creator of the IHUBApp®, an award-winning Digital Experience Platform  that reduces the risk of missing critical information and allows you to build solutions that are personal, accessible, and  most importantly, secure. Build apps, hubs, portals, intranets, extranets, and more! Our proprietary suite of tools will  elevate your digital experience above the noise. InspireHUB can be found on the web at


For more information, please contact:

InspireHUB Inc.
Sue Jenks
Tel: 1 855 355 IHUB (4482) Email:

Encore Media Group
Kajsa Puckett
Tel: 206-478-7399

Topics: InspireHUB, small business, innovation, Karolyn Hart, digital transformation, digital marketing, business insights, entrepreneurs, digitaltheatreprograms, encore+

Sierra Scott

Written by Sierra Scott

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