June 9, 2020

Press Release -  InspireHUB Releases Free eBook Big Sales for Small Wineries

InspireHUB Releases Free eBook Big Sales for Small Wineries

Jun 9, 2020 5:00:00 AM / by Sue Braiden

DALLAS TX, June 9, 2020 - InspireHUB Inc. has released a second free do-it-yourself guide. The latest eBook, “Big Sales for Small Wineries: The Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Growth Guide” includes the strategies and consultation used by InspireHUB to help successfully rescue struggling wineries. Designed for boutique wineries (those producing less than 10,000 cases), it offers a step-by-step guide packed with practical advice, including how wineries with inferior wine sell more than others, what consumers actually want in a Wine Club, and how partnering with charities is the key to unlocking unprecedented sales.

“Just over a decade ago, I was working in economic development, and my job was literally to help grow the wine industry,” explained Karolyn Hart, Founder of InspireHUB. “We conducted research across North America and identified the key drivers that made small wineries successful. Since COVID, we’ve applied those principles to struggling wineries with great success. We decided the right thing to do was to distribute the knowledge into as many small wineries as possible.”

Knowing that 90% of businesses are small and that healthy small businesses lead to healthy communities, the team at InspireHUB has made it their mission to help as many small businesses thrive as possible. 

InspireHUB helped Cooper’s Hawk Vineyards (CHV), a boutique winery nestled in southwestern Ontario, through their pandemic pivot. In less than four days, the team at CHV went from a traditional winery that relied on restaurant business, tours, and tastings on-site to an almost entirely virtual existence.  Owner, Tom O'Brien shares their experience.

“We picked up the phone to InspireHUB, and we knew we were in good hands because their team has been working 100% remotely for seven years. In less than 48 hours, they had mapped out our digital transition with us along with our new online ordering process. Two days later, we had everything implemented.  More importantly? Within 24 hours of launch, we were already getting orders!” He talks about their choice to continue with the new processes InspireHUB helped them put in place.  “We’ve come to realize this was an opportunity for us to innovate. No matter what happens in the future, we will be keeping this new approach to engaging our customers.”

Big Sales for Small Wineries includes direction on how to complete a digital transformation, including how to grow and build a successful online Wine Club, how to hire the right digital marketer, and how to choose the right online tools.

The free guide is available for download at

About InspireHUB Inc. - InspireHUB is the creator of the IHUBApp, an award-winning Digital Experience Platform that reduces the risk of missing critical information and allows you to build solutions that are personal, accessible, and most importantly, secure. Build apps, hubs, portals, intranets, extranets, and more! Our proprietary suite of tools will elevate your digital experience above the noise. InspireHUB can be found on the web at

About Cooper’s Hawk Vineyards - Cooper’s Hawk Vineyards is an estate winery located on 70 acres of land in the Lake Erie North Shore viticulture region that offers drive-in pickup and home delivery services.  Cooper’s Hawk Vineyards can be found at the web at


For more information, please contact:
Sue Braiden, Communications Manager
Tel:  1 855 355 IHUB (4482)


Topics: wine club, small business owners, growth strategies, business continuity, COVID-19 resources, small winery, boutique winery, wine growers

Sue Braiden

Written by Sue Braiden

Sue Braiden is the Communications Manager for InspireHub Inc.

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