WERCC InspireHUB Exclusive Offer
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Spotsee Manufacturing
Engaging Staff and Volunteers
Boy Scouts of America
Introducing the IHUBApp®
We are on a mission to help you engage your tribe whether it's your employees, suppliers, vendors, volunteers, clients or fans. Our award-winning enterprise collaboration and notification software is all about making it really easy to target communications in a way that actually engages people, elevates communications, and energizes your tribe.
The IHUBApp reduces the risk of critical information being missed. It's more than just a new type of collaboration network: it's an alert and notification system, a content curator, an events organizer, and your organization's private and professional social network.
Our cloud-based Progressive Web App Technology can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, on any device without having to 'install' anything.
Create, curate and control all your communications from one central hub.
Streamline your organization's unique communication needs into custom categories & channels.

Instantly notify audience (push, text, desktop, email) on the important messages from your organization!
Our Newsletter Digest is automatically generated based on user preferences for interests (channels they have joined) and frequency of notifications.

2019 IHUBApp Product Brochure
Take a closer look at the award-winning IHUBApp and discover all it can do and how the team at InspireHUB can help you better engage with your own tribe!
Download Brochure Now
1 855 355 IHUB (4482)